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Organizing Supplies Part 1

You can have a lot of supplies, but if you can’t find them, it’s like you have no supplies. One thing that makes creating easier, is to keep your supplies organized! The picture above shows me sorting threads, finding them on the color chart, and checking off the numbers we have in stock. It was actually really fun to do! When I was done, I put all the threads back in their clear storage boxes, sorting them into color groups.

Benjamin Franklin said, “For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.”

Here’s another picture of me organizing thread colors with a small color chart. We track on two charts – one is book sized, the other is pocket sized. The difference between the two charts is that the book-size chart has actual thread on each card, so you know for certain the color you purchase if you buy online. The small chart has color printed onto it, so there can be a slight variation from the color of the actual thread. HOWEVER, the smaller one is SO portable! My mom keeps the little chart in her purse – then when she’s at the store looking for thread; she can easily see what colors we already have at home. The bigger chart is great for showing customers and for matching up to projects.

We keep all of our thread and sewing supplies in the same room, color coded so it’s easy to pull out just what we need.

It was a very fun (and helpful) project! Benjamin Franklin also said, “A place for everything and everything in its place.” I happen to agree with him!

Thanks for reading!