“A sound, too, began to throb in his ears, a sort of bubbling like the noise of a large pot galloping on the fire, mixed with a rumble as of a gigantic tom-cat purring. This grew to the unmistakable gurgling noise of some vast animal snoring in its sleep down…
Chalk Lettering Signs
When you want to share information, why not make it pretty? A good sign can set the tone for an event, and share helpful information. Isn’t this sign darling for a bridal shower? This sign is lettered with white VersaChalk Wet Erase Markers. The sign won’t easily smudge, and when…
AAP-01 Airsoft Silencer
I got a new AAP-01 airsoft gun and decided to modify it with a silencer. I went to Thingiverse and found this design. I wanted my gun to have red accents, so I printed the silencer on my Ender 5 Pro in Hatchbox red. I painted all the raised areas…
Snowman Shotgun Shell Ornament
I made a snowman ornament out of a shotgun shell! haha! I know what you’re thinking. Isn’t this a little unethical, and I could have just gotten an ornament and made it into a snowman, but eh? I thought this was a fun and cute little Christmas gift! I mean,…
I was in a production of Beauty and the Beast the summer of 2023 and made a gift for our Gaston. I went to my local Hobby Lobby and found a T-rex figure to turn into Gaston. While at the store I picked up a wood base to make a…
Painting Chip’s Flowers
Chip’s roses were made similarly to Mrs. Potts. Since I made Chip’s after Mrs. Potts, I changed the process slightly. I grabbed a teacup and sketched out two roses measuring roughly 7-8 inches – a smaller scale to match our dainty little actress. After painting a base green, I added…
Finishing the Mrs. Potts Apron, Pt. 3
Continuation of Part 2Once I finished painting the flowers I moved on to the leaves. I added a few vines and branches to get the leaves farther out and fill up a bit of the white space. To paint the leaves I laid down a dark green layer of paint…
Painting Mrs. Potts Apron, Pt. 2
Continuation of Part 1After receiving feedback from MelRae and the director, I moved on to starting the actual apron! They wanted three different colored roses in a similar color palette. I chose to go with pink, purple, and reddish purple as my final color scheme. We wanted the apron to…
Starting the Mrs. Potts Apron, Pt. 1
We are a part of a local theater group called CCT, Christian Community Theater, and we performed Beauty and the Beast over the summer of 2023. MelRae was the lead Costume Designer and she and the director, Bobby Tschoepe, worked hand-in-hand to design and create the costumes. One of the…
Newsies! Jacobi’s Deli Sign
Our Newsies Sets team asked us to create the Jacobi’s Delicatessen sign. I searched around on the good ‘ole internet to see what I liked, chatted with our director, then dove in. We started off in the garage, and propped the two 4’x8′ luan panels on white folding tables so…